Engineering a Diverse & Inclusive Future
Only a team of extraordinary individuals can deliver unparalleled levels of care. This is why The RMH Group deeply values a diverse workforce. Our team is comprised of people with distinct and invaluable characteristics and experiences. We draw upon, recognize, and respect the diversity among us and are committed to assembling a workforce that is as varied and talented as it is capable. Such diversity not only enriches our services but also elevates the solutions we offer to our clients.
RMH is constantly looking for exceptional talent. From recent graduates to experienced professionals, our employees lead the charge in pioneering technologies and innovations that positively impact the lives of our clients and contribute to a better world and built environment.
In our commitment to fostering an inclusive environment where every employee feels a deep sense of belonging and inclusion, we have implemented several key initiatives. These include:
- Flexible and reduced work hours
- Job sharing opportunities
- Hybrid work schedules to accommodate diverse life circumstances
- Mentorship programs that pair new employees with seasoned professionals
- Career development and growth opportunities
- Corporate social responsibility activities
- Equitable recruiting from a wide range of educational institutions and organizations
- A diverse pool of industry partnerships