Process Piping
The RMH Group’s piping expertise spans the diverse field of chemical process piping for manufacturing processes, mechanical systems, and campus-wide utility distribution. For the food and beverage industry, we have designed unique refrigeration piping systems such as ammonia refrigeration operating at compressor suction temperatures of +10°F, -32°F, and -52°F. Additional piping experience includes laboratory acid waste systems, sand and oil interceptor systems, natural gas distribution, fuel oil storage and dispensing systems, and process tank relief piping.
We design piping systems for high-temperature hydrogen, dilute sulfuric acid, nitric acid, fluorine gas, ammonia, nitrogen, and numerous types of solvents and hydrocarbon products. Much of our work has been with carbon steel, austenitic stainless steel, and CPVC and PVDF plastic piping, but we have also worked with more exotic materials such as low-chrome carbon steel and duplex stainless steel (austenitic-ferritic).
• Compressed Air System Design
• Medical Gas Piping and Source Design
• Piping Design for Industrial Processes
• Process Wastewater
• RO and DI Water Systems
• Acid and Base Piping
• Liquid and Gas Nitrogen System Design